Our coffees

Tanzania (TZ)

  • Population : 58,01 million (2019)
  • Area : 945.203 km²
  • Capital : Dodoma
  • Ports of exportation : Dar Es Salaam - Tanga
  • Currency : Tanzania Shilling (TZS)
  • Bag unit : 60 kg
  • Arabica vs. Robusta percentage : 75% Arabica - 25% Robusta

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million bags

Total coffee production 2018/2019
Ranking : 15

million bags

Total coffee export 2018/2019

$ 63,18

GDP 2019

2,18 %

Coffee share in total exports

0,1 kg

Coffee consumption per capita 2019

Harvesting times

October - February (Arabica)
June - December (Robusta)

Shipment times

November - June

Main coffee regions

Bukoba (Unwashed Arabica & Robusta)
Mountains of Moshi: Kilimanjaro, Arusha (Washed Arabica)
Douth: High plateaus between Lake Nyassa & Tanganyika, Songea, Mbeya (Washed Arabica)
Usumbara: Karagwe, Biharamulo (Robusta)

Main coffee types

TZ-A W C Tanzania Arabica - Washed C
TZ-A W B Tanzania Arabica - Washed B
TZ-A W A Tanzania Arabica - Washed A
TZ-R UG Tanzania Robusta - Unwashed - Ungraded
TZ-R FAQ Tanzania Robusta - Unwashed - Fair Average Quality